Cranio Sacral Therapy, a combination of scientific procedure and
intuitive sensitivity has its roots in osteopathy. It is a noninvasive, gentle, and yet powerful form of therapy that brings about
physical and psychological healing in the adult, child, or baby, who has
experienced trauma, injury, pain or illness. It is also used as a
complementary therapy for the treatment of Cerebral Palsy, Autism,
and other disorders of syndromes.
A craniosacral therapist feels for the natural rhythm of the patient’s
cerebrospinal fluid which flows throughout the central nervous
system. Cranio sacral system influences the development and
performance of the brain and spinal cord. Any imbalance or restriction
could cause a number of sensory or motor coordination impairments
and other health issues. A trained and experienced craniosacral
therapist is able to detect abnormalities in the rhythm and help restore
a smoother flow